Click "Do Transform" to populate this pane.

Markup Instructions

{{Element Path}} : The path of the desired node to output goes within the JSON notation. This should start with a .

{{optional pre`Element Path`optional post}} - By surrounding the path with ` quotes, anything pre/post these quotes is only rendered if the value itself is populated

{{optional ??? pre`Element Path`optional post}} - As above but the ??? is replaced by the value returned by the element path but it is encoded to be friendly for query strings

{{Field To Check=Value to match¬optional pre`Element Path`optional post}} - As above but checks that a field value matches a certain value

{{Field To Check=*¬optional pre`Element Path`optional post}} - As above but checks that a field has any value in it

{{Field To Check!=Value to match¬optional pre`Element Path`optional post}} - As above but checks that a field value doesn't match a certain value

{{Element Path|Delimiter}} - If you put a | then anything after this (either till }} or `) will be used to delimiter multiple element children at the specified node

[[Element To Loop Children]{{Element Relative Path 1 Element Relative Path 2}}] : The element to loop is defined the same as an element path. The child items are defined using the normal notation but relative to the element being looped. Using just . will display the child element's value. Currently loops can not be nested.